Assertive communication training

Assertive Communication Training

Becoming assertive

Contact me for an appointment!

What does the assertive communication training offer to you?


Do you feel uncomfortable or anxious to confront people?

Do you have a hard time saying ‘no’ ?

You ‘ramble’ around subjects and struggle to make your point?

Do you often find yourself remaining silent, though you have a different opinion?

Have you recognized on yourself making people scared of you? 

Have you experienced uncomfortable communication with certain type of people?


Undertaking a personalised Assertive Communication Training Program with me will empower you to:

  • Recognise the passive, agressive, passive-agressive or assertive communication with your colleagues, peers or managers and develop tactics to handle such attitudes
  • Enhance your reputation and increase your impact at work so that you get the promotions and pay rise
  • Develop the skills to deal with difficult behaviour or underperformance in others so that you become a more effective manager
  • In the assertive communication training you will develop the skills to handle criticism of your behaviour or performance at work so that you can use this information purposefully for your self-development
  • Increase your confidence dealing with others on an equal basis regardless of your respective roles excersicing assertivity
  • manage people of agressive communication at an ease

Enjoy more meaning, satisfaction and fulfilment at work as you’re able to express yourself more fully in your role. Assertive communication will be a strong asset for your job or your business.

The course consists of 4×90 minute sessions.


Key Points to Assertivness

To be assertive means that we’re honest with ourselves about our own values and willing to act according to them.

More specifically, assertive communication means that we’re willing and able to express our wants and feelings directly and respectfully.

Less helpful styles of communication include passive communication, aggressive communication, and passive-aggressive communication.

Being assertive can be difficult. Other people often react negatively, and we can feel afraid or uncomfortable as a result.

The benefits of assertiveness are almost too numerous to list.Some of the most important include increased self-confidence, lower anxiety and dependency, improved relationships, and less resentment toward others.

Some small ways to practice being more assertive include making decisions despite not being totally sure, saying no to unreasonable requests and tolerating the resulting discomfort, and asking for what you want—like a different table at a restaurant or another bag of peanuts on a plane flight.

Feeling guilty is not the same thing as being guilty.

Learning to tell the difference is essential because subtle guilt-tripping is the most common reason many of us have a hard time being assertive.

If you feel you need help to be more assertive and clarify your true communication style, please do not hesitate to contact me !

What Are The Benefits of Being More Assertive?

The benefits of becoming more assertive are too many to list entirely. But here are a few of the most common and compelling reasons to work on becoming more assertive:

Less social anxiety.

As you become more skilled at expressing our own beliefs, wants, and needs in a direct and respectful way, you gain valuable evidence that you don’t need to worry about disapproval.

More relaxed and less stressed.

One of the ironies of the 3 unhelpful communication styles is that they require a lot of work and energy. Once the initial emotional blowback of being more assertive fades, it’s a far more efficient and relaxing way to go about life.

Increases self-confidence and self-respect.

Every time we avoid expressing ourselves, we communicate to our own brain that our own wishes are not really that important. Do this enough, and we start to train our own brains to believe that we’re not that important generally. On the other hand, when we’re willing to honestly express how we feel and what we want, we’re reinforcing to our own brains that we are important and valuable. And ultimately, that’s the source of genuine self-confidence and self-respect.

Become less resentful of others.

When we use the 3 unhelpful styles of communication, we tend to project our own disappointment with ourselves. Then we are  not being honest onto other people in the form of frustration and resentment.

Improved relationships and partnerships.

It’s a truism in couples counseling that all relationship problems are communication problems. And when it comes down to it, all communication problems are problems of assertiveness.

What does assertivity mean?

Assertiveness solves many work situations; whether dealing with your boss, colleagues, subordinates, customers, clients or suppliers.

If you’re assertive it means you’re able to express clearly and firmly what you feel and what you want in a reasonable and open way,  but respecting  others’ rights. Assertivity is a key element of your communication skill development, such as watching  and reading others body language and controlling yours.

Those who behave assertively always respect the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of other people as well as their own.

Assertiveness will make you stand up for your own best interests without anxiety. In addition, in an assertive communication you can make your point understood crystal clear.

When people have not developed assertivity skills they may interact with their colleagues in passive, aggressive or passive-aggressive ways. Such behaviours might hurt the rights of others and destroy relationships.  They may feel eternally ‘put upon’, and risk lowering their self-esteem.

In this 4 week course you’ll learn to analyze your problematic relationships and will define your personal assertivity goals. Therefore you’ll understand the basics of assertivity and will practice the “I” messages. I-messages provide feedback safely, as they avoid putdowns, judgement or assigning blame.

If you’d like to learn more on assertivity and how it impacts your life, you can read my articles here and here.

Assertiveness Is More Than Communication

Assertive communication is the most common form of assertiveness. Still it’s important to know that assertiveness is bigger than a style of communication.

Ultimately, assertiveness is about values—it means that we live our lives according to our values, not someone else’s.

It’s about respecting ourselves enough to be genuinely okay with who we are and to live our lives accordingly.

And while this may take the form of speech and communication, it’s about how we act more generally.

Assertive meaning (Part 1)

Assertiveness is the skill of effective communication and negotiation. Being assertive means being able to stand up for what you believe is right, ask for what you want. You can say no to what you don’t want in a way that’s confident, calm, and respectful, polite but firm. I tried to create this guide to […]

How To Be Assertive (Part 2)

(This is the 2nd part of the article on “How To Be Assertive” – if you have not done so, please read part 1, too. ) Mindset mistakes – And The Power of  “I” Statements There are a couple of mistakes you could make when testing assertive communication. Avoid weak beginnings like: “You may not […]

Being Assertive: Reduce Stress, Communicate Better

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Assertivity In Education

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